470 – Strategies to improve the growth and homogeneity of growing-finishing pigs – Feeder space and feeding management (Research paper – Lopez-Verge – 2018)
470 Research paper
Strategies to improve the growth and homogeneity of growing-finishing pigs: feeder space and feeding management by Lopez-Verge, S., Gasa, J., Temple, D., Bonet, J., Coma, J., and D. Sola-Oriol 2018 Porcine Health Management 4: 09-Jan
In Significant Impact Groups: Feed / gut health \ Feeding management; Precision Livestock Farming & Early detection
Species targeted: Pigs;
Age: Adult;
The aim was to test two strategies to improve the growth rate of the slow-growth pigs and to increase the batch’s homogeneity at slaughter. In Trial 1 a total of 264 weaned piglets were distributed into 24pens (11 piglets/pen) according to sex and initial body weight (BW) for the transition period (T; 28 d to 64 d).
470 Research paper – Lopez-Verge – 2018 – Strategies to improve the growth and homogeneity of growing-finishing pigs – Feeder space and feeding management
Where to find the original material: https://porcinehealthmanagement.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s40813-018-0090-9.pdf; https://doi.org/10.1186/s40813-018-0090-9
Country: ES