316 – Effects of Reducing Antimicrobial Use and Applying a Cleaning and Disinfection Program in veal calve farming (Research paper – Dorado-Garcia – 2015



316 Research paper – Dorado-Garcia k – 2015 – Effects of Reducing Antimicrobial Use and Applying a Cleaning and Disinfection Program in veal calve farming

In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity \Internal biosecurity; Housing
Species targeted: Beef;
Age: Young;
This study evaluated strategies to curb livestock-associated methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA). Fifty-one veal calf farms were assigned to one of 3 study arms: RAB farms reducing antimicrobials by protocol; RAB-CD farms reducing antimicrobials by protocol and applying a cleaning and disinfection program; and Control farms without interventions. MRSA carriage was tested in week 0 and week 12 of 2 consecutive production cycles in farmers, family members and veal calves.
This intervention study showed that lower levels of antimicrobial consumption significantly reduced the probability for MRSA carriage in veal calves. The specific cleaning and disinfection program used in this study was not shown to be successful, possibly because it resulted in increased MRSA air loads. A set of determinants for MRSA in calves were disclosed longitudinally to possibly give shape to more refined additional future interventions.

Where to find the original material: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4549302/pdf/pone.0135826.pdf ; https://doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0135826
Country: NL

297 – Dairy Cows Welfare Assessment in a Farm from South-Eastern Romania (Research paper – Furnaris – 2016)



297 Research paper – Furnaris – 2016 – Dairy Cows Welfare Assessment in a Farm from South-Eastern Romania

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Adult;

The welfare level of dairy cows in a farm from the South-Eastern Romania was studied in a mixed house with the Austrian Animal Needs Index 35L/2000 system. A total of 26 welfare indicators were assessed in 5 areas: locomotion, social interactions, flooring, light and air, stockmanship. Analyzing the results, it could be noticed that the highest scored indicators were those within the Locomotion and Social interactions areas (as expected, considering the loose-system applied in the studied farm). The lowest scored areas were Flooring and Light and air, the critical indicators being light (uneven lighting and some low intensity values: 28-30 Lx) and outdoor areas cleanliness, resulting in poor animal cleanliness. Addressing this issue along with the cleanliness of the outdoor areas may improve the welfare level and may also increase the milk production.

Where to find the original material: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2210784316302741; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aaspro.2016.09.081
Country: RO

282 – Influence of applying broiler welfare laws on unit cost (Research paper – Tudorache – 2014)



282 Research paper – Tudorache – 2014 – Influence of applying broiler welfare laws on unit cost

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
European Union and especially some national governments have gradually increased production costs by political decisions of introducing new rules concerning food safety, protection of environment and animal welfare. This paper has been performed to assess economic consequences of applying broiler welfare laws on unit cost by kg live weight. The study was performed during four years with production data from six top poultry farms from Romania before (V1) and after the introduction of broiler welfare rules (V2 and V3). Analyzing these percentages has revealed that unit cost is 1.81% higher in variant V2 than in variant V1 and 3.43% higher in variant V3 compared to base variant. On the other hand, welfare rules also brings savings in unit costs between 1.12% for biological material and feeds – V2 and 37.50% for ventilation energy – V3.

Where to find the original material: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/INFLUENCE-OF-APPLYING-BROILER-WELFARE-LAWS-ON-UNIT-Tudorache-Custur%C4%83/308e9485d75e55e090d46b8242a34402e4cb108d
Country: RO

272 – Early postnatal rearing conditions of broilers influencing antibiotic use and mortality in the first 10 days (Research paper – Rousset – 2017)



272 Research paper – Rousset – 2017 – Early postnatal rearing conditions of broilers influencing antibiotic use and mortality in the first 10 days

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare \ Weaning age and management; AMU reduction strategies
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Young;
The first 10 days of poultry rearing are a critical period for the chick development. A study was conducted to identify the early postnatal rearing conditions of broilers influencing antibiotic use and mortality in the first 10 days. 50 broilers flocks were investigated in Brittany. Visits were conducted 24 hours after the arrival of the chicks (V1) and 3 days later (V2). The average mortality rate was 1.9%, and 47 % of the flocks received antibiotic treatment. Data analysis revealed that flocks with a mortality rate higher than the overall flocks (2.3 %), were frequently treated with antibiotics (58 % of the flocks), were characterized by presence of E. coli in chicks in V1 and lameness in V2 chicks, generally had higher concentrations of CO2 in V1 (> 3 000 ppm), were located further from the hatchery (> 200 km) and did not use detergent to wash the poultry house.

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/le-demarrage-des-poulets-de-chair-jeuneaviplus;
Country: FR

271 – Control of environmental conditions during a long wait for the day-old chick at the hatchery before breeding – What are the impacts on the quality and (Research paper – Puterflam – 2019)



271 Research paper – Puterflam – 2019 – Control of environmental conditions during a long wait for the day-old chick at the hatchery before breeding_ what are the impacts on the quality and

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare \ Weaning age and management; Biosecurity
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Young;
The robustness of day-old chicks is a crucial parameter to optimize welfare, to limit their mortality, and to reduce the use of antibiotics. The age of the breeders and the time at the hatchery can have a negative impact on their robustness. The aim of this study was to test optimized environmental conditions during a prolonged wait (24 hours) before breeding of two sets of day-old chicks from breeders at the beginning of laying (DP) and at the end of laying (FP). Results show that chicks placed in cases of lower density, in controlled environment, and with empty space between each box to improve air circulation significantly have less in weight loss between hatching and arrival at the farm, a significant increase in weight at D12 in FPs, a cloacal temperature greater at D1, and at slaughter a higher breast yield.

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/maitrise-des-conditions-dambiance-pendant-une-attente-prolongee-du-poussin-dun-jour-au;
Country: FR

268 – Starting of Label Rouge broiler production – Preserve the welfare and performance of animals (Research paper – Pertusa – 2019)



268 Research paper – Pertusa – 2019 – Starting of Label Rouge broiler production_ preserve the welfare and performance of animals

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare \ Weaning age and management; AMU reduction strategies
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Young;
Early rearing phase represents a key period in breeding and requires special technical and sanitary management to ensure the competitiveness of poultry production and welfare. 30 Label Rouge poultry flocks were sampled. Data on the environment, feeding, watering, cleaning and disinfection management, body weight and body condition monitoring were collected and a questionnaire was also sent to the farmer to identify its practices. The selected variables of interest, were: weight, homogeneity of the batch, rate of pododermatitis, mortality and welfare rating at 15 days. From the study it was found that the origin of the chicks had a significant impact on the weight, the homogeneity of the batch and the mortality at 15 days. Access to specific start-up feeding equipment also appears to influence the weight, homogeneity and rate of pododermatitis at the end of the start. This rate is also influenced by the quality of the litter in breeding.

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/le-demarrage-en-production-de-poulets-de-chair-label-rouge;
Country: FR

266 – Chick vocalizations – Development of a recording and analysis method (Research paper – Michaud – 2019)



266 Research paper – Michaud – 2019 – Chick vocalizations_ development of a recording and analysis method

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare \ Weaning age and management
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Young;
This study aims to develop a method for recording and analysing chicks vocalisations emitted during the first 3 days of life (D0 to D3). First, a bibliographic review identified vocalizations categories emitted by chicks (comfort, distress, snuggle, fear or pleasure trills) and identified their sound characteristics. Then, two programs developed under Matlab, made it possible to automate the recording of sound sequences and to detect and identify comfort and distress vocalizations. The study defined optimal sound recording conditions allowing an optimal analysis of sound signals: a group of ten chicks, omni-directional microphones, 2-minute recording sequences. Between D0 and D3, chicks emit short sounds with a limited frequency range (2000 – 5000 Hz). The program developed allowed to characterize the several sound indicators of importance, and count the chicks’ comfort and distress vocalizations.

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/vocalisations-du-poussin-developpement-dune-methode-denregistrement-et-danalyse;
Country: FR

262 – Assessment of biofilm in pipes of breeders houses and effect of purge on biofilm mastering and water quality (Research paper – Dennery – 2017)



262 Research paper – Dennery – 2017 – Assessment of biofilm in pipes of breeders houses and effect of purge on biofilm mastering and waterquality

In Significant Impact Groups: Water \ Water quality; Housing and welfare
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
Biofilm can alter water quality in pipes. Its development is favored by breeding practices and conditions. Biofilm management in drinking water pipes is a major issue to prevent disease and to reduce antibiotic consumption and resistance. The aim of this field study is to assess the effect of purging pipes during breeding on development of biofilms, water quality, amount of water used, and breeder’s health. In order to achieve this goal it was necessary to create a methodology to characterize biofilm. A scoring method was developed, each score being definite by a picture and objective definition. The chart created was used to characterize biofilm at each observation, and to estimate its evolution during the breeding. First results highlight the importance of cleaning the pipes before starting the flock breeding. Daily and highly frequency purges seem to delay biofilm development inside pipes when compared to never purged pipes.

Where to find the original material: https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20183183457;
Country: FR

261 – Measuring carbon dioxide concentrations in broiler buildings (Research paper – Creach – 2018)



261 Research paper – Creach – 2018 – Measuring carbon dioxide concentrations in broiler buildings

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare \ Climate
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
The ministerial decree of 28 June 2010 establishing the standards for the protection of broilers, sets a limit of 3 000 ppm of carbon dioxide (CO2) not to be exceeded at animal’s height and over the entire duration of the lot. Since then, CO2 concentration sensors are developing in poultry buildings and this gas, combined with other parameters (relative humidity rate in particular) is a good indicator of the level of containment of the breeding room. Different CO2 concentration sensors of the same technology (non-dispersive infrared or IRND) have been tested in commercial barns. The results show that two of the five tested sensors are not suitable for continuous use in poultry buildings. In addition, the spatial variability of CO2 concentrations was evaluate in a first phase under experimental conditions and in a second phase in commercial broiler barns.

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/mesurage-des-concentrations-en-dioxyde-de-carbone-en-batiment-poulets-de-chair;
Country: FR

260 – Measuring carbon dioxide concentrations in broiler houses (Research paper – Creach – 2017)



260 Research paper – Creach – 2017 – Measuring carbon dioxide concentrations in broiler houses

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare \ Climate
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
The EU sets a limit of 3000 ppm of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration not to be exceeded for broilers, over the entire duration of the flock. Since then, CO2 concentration sensors are developing in French poultry buildings. The purpose of this article is to provide methodological advices for continuous measurement of CO2 concentrations in a broiler house, by looking at CO2 commercial sensors. Despite being the best compromise to measure CO2 concentration at animal’s level according to at the end of the flock at 80 cm +/- 20 cm of height, this can underestimate CO2 concentrations in case of high CO2 productions by animals and litter. These results suggest using more than one CO2 sensors for continuous measurements in poultry barns. According to the sensors’ tests, first level investment should be in high-performance sensor and in its maintenance than purchasing an additional sensor.

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/mesurage-des-concentrations-en-dioxyde-de-carbone-en-batiment-poulets-de-chair#:~:text=L’arr%C3%AAt%C3%A9%20minist%C3%A9riel%20du%2028,toute%20la%20dur%C3%A9e%20du%20lot.;
Country: FR