115 Avoiding Milk Antibiotic Residues by British Veterinary Cattle Association (Tools & Checklists)
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115 ToolsChecklists – Avoiding Milk Antibiotic Residues by British Veterinary Cattle Association
In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB \ Farmer
Species targeted: Dairy;
Summary: This practical guide to avoiding milk antibiotic residues is available via a poster from the BCVA (British Cattle Veterinary Association), with pointers on how dairy farmers can make sure their milk always meets the stringent antibiotic residues standards.
Unless advised by your veterinary surgeon, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct number of treatments, between treatments and withholding time. If in doubt, consult your veterinary surgeon, who may recommend the use of an antibiotic residue test.
You must ensure milk is clear of antibiotics and this is part of your milk contract. Follow data sheet and vet advice on all treatments. If you vary treatment (combinations of products, or vary dose, frequency or prolong treatment) this can affect withdrawal times. A minimum 7-day milk withdrawal must be applied and the milk tested before being put in the tank.
Country: United Kingdom