147 Sterile milk sample for bacteriology FARMER GUIDE by Zoetis (Tools & Checklists)
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147 ToolsChecklists – Sterile milk sample for bacteriology FARMER GUIDE by Zoetis
SIG: Pathogen management
Species targeted: Dairy;
When clinical mastitis has been diagnosed in a quarter, a sterile milk sample should be taken to determine which bacteria is responsible. This will help with implementing specific mastitis control measures. Cows should be sampled as soon as mastitis is detected, preferably before milking is commenced. This checklist with images details how to prepare the udder and teats before taking a milk sample and how to do so as cleanly and aseptically as possible, so as to not contaminate the sample.
Where to find the original material: https://www.zoetis.co.uk/livestock-farming/useful-resources/index.aspx;
Country: United Kingdom;