360 Antibiotics in meat lambs – Indispensable but not automatic by Idele (Tools & Checklists)
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360 ToolsChecklists – Antibiotics in meat lambs_ indispensable but not automatic by Idele
In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB
Species targeted: Sheep;
A survey was carried out among 45 farmers in the sheep-meat sector to gain a better understanding of actions in the event of pathologies in young lambs, considering both antibiotic use and preventive management. When asked about their practices regarding the use of antibiotics in lambs, the farmers insisted on the importance they attach to prevention. While antibiotics are still essential, they are used sparingly. Concrete examples taken from the pathologies with which they are frequently confronted (arthritis, pasteurellosis, enterotoxemia) illustrate their opinions. The farming practices most frequently used to reduce the use of antibiotics in lambs in the farms surveyed are :• Animal surveillance• The lambing pen and monitoring of colostrum feeding• Hygiene and care for lambs: disinfection of navel, tail and ear tags• A balanced diet throughout the year with dietary transitions if necessary.
Where to find the original material: http://idele.fr/domaines-techniques/publication/idelesolr/recommends/les-antibiotiques-en-ovins-viande-indispensables-mais-pas-automatiques.html;
Country: France