500 Prudent and efficient use of antimicrobials in pigs and poultry a practical manual by FAO (Tools & Checklists)
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500 Tools & Checklists
Prudent and efficient use of antimicrobials in pigs and poultry: a practical manual by FAO
In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry;
This manual is intended to assist in using antibiotics in a prudent and medically efficient way without loss in productivity. The prudent and medically effective use of antibiotics comprises several elements: a) Phasing out use of antibiotics as growth promoters and avoiding regular preventive use of antibiotics; b) Avoiding use of the Highest Priority Critically Important Antimicrobials (CIAs) for human medicine in animals and adhering to the OIE List of Antimicrobials of Veterinary Importance; c) Only using antibiotics based on a diagnosis of disease by a veterinarian or other animal health professional and only for authorized indications; d) Striving for individual treatment of animals with the correct dose and duration and avoiding using antibiotics for group treatments except for poultry flocks, especially via feed. e) Using only quality-assured pharmaceuticals and always consulting an animal health professional before use; f) Disposing of unused and expired antibiotics in a proper way.
Where to find the original material: http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/ca6729en;
Country: Italy;