503 – Overview of a bibliographic awareness service on scientific publications on alternatives to antibiotics in poultry production over a year (Research paper – Dedet – 2016)
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503 Research paper – DEDET V. – 2016 – Overview of a bibliographic awareness service
503 Research paper
Overview of a bibliographic awareness service on scientific publications on alternatives to antibiotics in poultry production over a year by DEDET V.
2016 Douzièmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Tours, 05 et 06 avril 2017
In Significant Impact Groups: Specific alternatives
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
Overview of a bibliographic awareness service on scientific publications on alternatives to antibiotics in poultry production over a year (2016). 400 websites of scientific journals in relation with biology, animal production and/or veterinary medicine have been screened. It allowed to identify 134 publications over the observation period (1 year) and to distinguish 18 categories of products for which trial results have been published. The frequency of such publications is sustained with more than 2 articles per week, on average. There is a dominance of publications on probiotics and plant extracts. Published studies have 1 to 3 of the following aims: zootechnical effect, sanitary effect, targeting of coccidiosis/necrotic enteritis, or gut colonisation. In all these cases, 20-25% of the published trials report on a negative result (i.e. no statistical difference was observed) towards the selected markers.
Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/bilan-dune-annee-de-veille-scientifique-sur-les-alternatives-aux-antibiotiques-en;
Country: EUR