505: 5 factsheets about prudent use of antibiotics in poultry by ITAVI (Farm Innovation)
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505 Farm Innovation – 5 factsheets about prudent use of antibiotics in poultry by ITAVI
505 Farm Innovation
5 factsheets about prudent use of antibiotics in poultry by ITAVI
In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB \ Farmer
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
5 factsheets about prudent use of antibiotics for farmers
505 Farm Innovation – 5 factsheets about prudent use of antibiotics in poultry by ITAVI
Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/5-plaquettes-rassemblees-sous-forme-de-livret-pour-sensibiliser-les-equipes-techniques-et;
Country: FR