508 – RefA²vi Towards the formalization of a French network on the use of antibiotics at poultry farms level (Research paper – Rousset – 2019)

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508 Research paper – Rousset – 2019 – RefA²vi Towards the formalization of a French network

508 Research paper
RefA²vi: Towards the formalization of a French professional reference network on the use of antibiotics at poultry farms level. by Rousset N., Carré Y., Richard A., Brice Y. and Chauvin C. 2019 Treizièmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Tours, 20 et 21 mars 2019

In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB \ Farmer
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
RefA²vi: Towards the formalization of a French professional reference network on the use of antibiotics atpoultry farms level.Currently poultry production organizations are committed to defining an indicator monitoring the reasoned use of antibiotics. That is why, the French Poultry Institute (ITAVI), with the French poultry’s inter-professional organizations and Anses formalize a professional network to collect computerized data on use of antibiotics at farm level (RefA²vi project). In 2014 and 2015, two surveys allowed collecting data from poultry farms in all species and production types. This work aimed to discuss then to choose with the professional actors, the more pertinent indicators for all poultry productions. Finally, partners imagined a scheme of network organization, which have been tested during a pilot phase. The computerized data on use of antibiotics recorded by poultry production organizations will be sent to CIPC-CIDEF- CICAR for anonymization and aggregation, in order to send them at ITAVI, which will calculate the exposure indicators following a proven method defined with Anses. ITAVI will ensure the network’s animation (newsletter, organization of steering committee meetings).
Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/refa2vi-vers-la-formalisation-dun-reseau-de-references-professionnelles-francais-sur;
Country: FR