19 Targeted mastitis treatment by The Danish Dairy Board (Farm Innovation)
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Significant Impact Group(s): Pathogen management \ Managing sick animals \ Targeted use of antibiotics ; AMU reduction strategies
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Adult;
Outcome Parameter(s): better udder health; best strategy for mastitis treatment
Summary: Definition and control of mastitis in dairy cows by Consultant Veterinary Surgeons of
The Danish Dairy Board. The prognosis and eventual strategy for treatment should be based upon described examinations and test results as well as the owner and vet’s knowledge of the individual cow.
In Denmark the preventative work and combating of mastitis is implemented by means of a close cooperation between The Danish Dairy Board, The Mastitis Laboratory, the dairy farmer and the local veterinary surgeon. This work is lead by the Leading Veterinary Surgeon who is appointed and authorized by The Food Inspection Directorate.
19 Farm Innovation – Targeted mastitis treatment by The Danish Dairy Board
Where to find the original material: (in English)
Country: DK
19 Farm Innovation – Targeted mastitis treatment by The Danish Dairy Board