36 What we have lost: Mastitis resistance in Holstein Friesians and in a local cattle breed (Research paper; Curone, 2018)

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Significant Impact Group(s): Breeding for disease resistance or robustness
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Adult;
Outcome Parameter(s): Bacteriogical status; Mammary immune response; colostrum protein profile
Summary: A multidisciplinary approach was applied to compare innate immune response patterns, metabolic parameters, milk protein profiles and the milk microbiota in Holstein Friesian and Rendena cows reared in the same farm and under the same management conditions. Results show that Holstein Friesian and Rendena cows have different metabolic traits. Mastitis markers are higher in Holstein Friesian milk. The microbiota biodiversity is lower in Rendena milk. The colostrum protein profile is markedly different in the two breeds. Mammary innate immune response patterns display breed-specific differences. The observations reported in this work present numerous pointers to the factors that may provide more rustic breeds with a higher resistance to disease.
36 Research paper – Curone – 2018 – What we have lost_Mastitis resistance in Holstein Friesians and in a local cattle breed
Where to find the original material:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S003452881730173X; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2017.11.020
Country: IT

36 Research paper – Curone – 2018 – What we have lost_Mastitis resistance in Holstein Friesians and in a local cattle bre