DISARM aims to reduce antibiotic resistance by focusing on disease prevention and prudent use of antibiotics to reduce the need for antibiotic treatments in livestock farming.

Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria adapt to survive in response to antibiotic use. When resistance spreads through populations of bacteria, antibiotics become ineffective at treating disease. This is a highly complex problem involving mechanisms which affect both human and animal health, so action must be taken by many different sectors, including the livestock industry.

DISARM encouraged various actors and stakeholders in the livestock industry to work together to share and promote strategies to combat antibiotic resistance which:

Reduce the risk of spreading disease by isolating and responsibly treating sick animals and improving their environment to minimize infection.

Target use of antibiotics by using as little as possible, but as much as necessary, and considering alternative treatment options.

Promote animal health through disease-prevention strategies and treating animal illnesses quickly and appropriately.

Improve farm biosecurity, reducing the risk of disease being introduced onto or spread across farms through good hygiene practices.

Solutions will be effective and practical to use, maintain or improve animal welfare, and sustain farm economic performance.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 817591