Contact: Betina Bækdal Tvistholm,
SEGES is a part of The Danish Agriculture & Food Council (Landbrug & Fodevarer F.m.b.A.). SEGES is the knowledge and innovation centre of Danish agriculture involving a number of tasks in research, innovation and testing for the entire industry. SEGES builds bridges between research and practical farming; we aim to develop products and services in partnership with our users and we ensure that the latest knowledge and technology is deployed by Danish farmers on their farms as rapidly and efficiently as possible. SEGES develops and sells specialised consultancy services, programs and other products that target farmers and gardeners, we provide services to a number of other customers with relation to the primary agriculture, we manage a range of development and service tasks for farmer-owned advisory companies and we collaborate with universities, ministries, businesses and non-governmental organisations. We participate in national and international projects through our extensive trial work and we collaborate with research institutions, public authorities and private companies worldwide. Currently, SEGES employs 650 people in 6 locations with an annual turnover of 850 million Danish kroner.