
DISARM will share information on how to improve animal health and reduce the need for antibiotic use for dairy and beef cattle in housed and grazing systems. Cattle farms are highly varied, some using permanent indoor housing, others offering part- or full-time access to pasture. Other variations include farm and herd sizes, cattle breed, geographical location and climate. Cattle systems must balance optimizing biological function with economic efficiency, requiring interconnected technical, technological, managerial, economic and social activities. The specifics of these activities will differ from farm to farm, which is why our multi-actor farm health team approach seeks to develop tailored action plans for individual farms.

Key risk factors to cattle health may arise from cattle housing, feeding, stocking density, transportation and running an open rather than closed herd, etc. Selective breeding, particularly for high milk production in dairy cows, may contribute to health problems like lameness, mastitis, reproductive and metabolic disorders which often require antibiotic treatments. You can learn more about potential health risks on your farm and possible solutions by joining us at our events and workshops or accessing our resource materials which include a database of cutting-edge research and innovations, an online discussion group, short reports and informative videos.

DISARM will also work with other livestock sectors including pigs, poultry and sheep. There are commonalities across animal health risks and preventive measures. We believe working together to learn across species and sectors is a valuable way to improve animal health in livestock farming and reduce the need for antibiotic treatments.

Use of technology to monitor cow health in large herds

Udder health in practice: What can be done (even) better

Cross breeding for hybrid vigor and selecting for polled animals

Alternative Treatments for Mastitis: Homeopathy

Biosecurity on a dairy farm

Technology as an early warning system for health problems

Prudent use of antibiotics Melview Farming

Herd health planning for high health status

Vaccination for the control and eradication of disease

84 : A longitudinal field trial assessing the impact of feeding waste milk containing antibiotic residues on the prevalence of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli in calves (Research paper – Brunton, 2014)

25 : Antimicrobial use policy change in pre-weaned dairy calves and its impact on antimicrobial resistance in commensal Escherichia coli. A cross sectional and ecological study (Research paper – Afema, 2019)

499 – Farmer perceptions of dairy farm antibiotic use and transport pathways as determinants of contaminant loads to the environment (Research paper – Georgakakos – 2021)

498 – Aromam Field trial Efficiency of an essential oil-based mixture to cure mild and severe clinical mastitis in lactating dairy cows (Research paper – Guiadeur – 2020)

495 – Perceptions, fears and motivations for the use of complementary and alternative medicines the results of a national survey of specialized breeders, technicians and vets in veal calves (Research paper – Chanteperdrix – 2020)

494 – What are the needs for education and professional training of livestock farmers and their advisors for an integrated management of health (Research paper – Manoli – 2020)

492 – Concomitant vaccination of cows and awareness to colostrum distribution positive impacts on veal calves strength (Research paper – Mounaix – 2020)

429 DRYSIST by OPP Group & Castañe (Industry Innovation)

415 – The effects of supplementation of yeast Saccharomyces cere-visiae and postbiotic from Lactobacillus acidophilus on the health and growth performance (Research paper – Thorsteinsson – 2020)

414 – The relationship between transition period diseases and lameness , feeding time and body condition during the dry period (Research paper – Daros – 2020)

412 Probiotica by Aarhus Universitet (Farm Innovation)

411 – Passive immunisation an old idea revisited – Basic principles and application to modern animal production systems (Research paper – Hedegaard – 2016)

407 – Effects of feeding untreated pasteurized and acidified waste milk and bunk tank milk on the performance serum metabolic profiles immunity and intestinal development in Holstein calves (Research paper – Zou – 2017)

405 – Code of Good Practice Regarding the Responsible Prescribing and Use of Antibiotics in Farm Animals by Irish Farmers IFA and Veterinary Practitioners (Tools & Checklists)

401 Intra Repiderma spray by Intracare BV (Industry Innovation)

Hoof trimming in dairy cows

Automatic feeding of Dairy Cows

Acidification of drinking water: why and how?

How to take a good water sample for lab analysis?

Best Practice Guide: Prudent use of Antibiotics

Best Practice Guide: Vaccination Protocols

Best Practice Guide: Youngstock Management and Early Rearing

Best Practice Guide: Water Quality

Best Practice Guide: Precision Livestock Technologies

Best Practice Guide: Optimal Housing

Best Practice Guide: External biosecurity

Best Practice Guide: Internal Biosecurity

399 – Machine learning based fog computing assisted data driven approach for early lameness detection in dairy cattle (Research paper – Taneja – 2020)

394 – Ghid de bune practici privind sănătatea ugerului în fermele europene de vaci de lapte care utilizează sisteme automate de muls şi alte tehnologii în domeniul producţiei (Tools & Checklists)

393 – 4 ways Sweden has cut antibiotics use on dairy farms by Ylva Persson associate state veterinarian at the Swedish Veterinarian Association (Tools & Checklists)

358 – Perceptions and attitudes regarding antibiotic resistance in Germany – A cross-sectoral survey amongst physicians veterinarians farmers and the general (Research paper – Schneider – 2018)

357 – Comparison of three protocols of vaccination against Bovine Respiratory Disease in fattening commercial farms (Research paper – Mounaix – 2018)

356 – Experiments in animal farming practice – The case of decreasing the use of antimicrobials in livestock France (Research paper – Joly – 2016)

355 – Learnings from an exploratory implementation of an innovative training-program to reduce antibiotic use in the dairy sector (Research paper – Poizat – 2018)

347 – Non-antibiotic approaches for disease prevention and control in beef and veal production – A scoping review (Research paper – Wisener – 2019)

344 – Usage of Antibiotics in Agricultural Livestock in the Netherlands in 2017 Trends and benchmarking of livestock farms and veterinarians (Research report – Sda – 2018)

343 – Associations between antimicrobial use and the prevalence of resistant micro-organisms Is it possible to benchmark livestock farms based on resistance data (Research report – Sda – 2016)

334- Reduction of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis in colostrum_ Development and validation of 2 methods (Research paper – Verhegghe – 2017)

330 – Factors potentially linked with the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in selected bacteria from cattle chickens and pigs – A scoping review (Research paper – Murphy – 2018)

323 Risk for the development of Antimicrobial Resistance AMR due to feeding of calves with milk containing residues of antibiotics (Research report – EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards – 2016)

322 – Antimicrobial Resistance on Farms – A Review Including Biosecurity and the Potential Role of Disinfectants in Resistance Selection (Research paper – Davies – 2019)

318 – Perceptions circumstances and motivators that influence implementation of zoonotic control programs on cattle farms (Research paper – Ellis-Iversen – 2010)

316 – Effects of Reducing Antimicrobial Use and Applying a Cleaning and Disinfection Program in veal calve farming (Research paper – Dorado-Garcia – 2015

312 – To prescribe or not to prescribe A factorial survey to explore veterinarians decision making when prescribing antimicrobials to sheep and beef farmers (Research paper – Doidge – 2019)

307 – Milk supplemented with immune colostrum – Protection against rotavirusdiarrhea and modulatory effect on the systemic and mucosal antibodyresponses (Research paper – Parreno – 2010)

303 – Antimicrobial Usage and -Resistance in Livestock – Where Should We Focus (Research paper – Magouras – 2017)Research paper – Magouras – 2017

276 – Interrelationships between the content of oxidative markers antioxidative status and somatic cell count in cows milk (Research paper – Andrei – 2016)

254 Cow bath by Timmerman (Industry Innovation)

252 Drinkwatercheck melkveehouderij by ZLTO (Tools & Checklists)

244 Time to Vaccinate_ The importance of preventive health and vaccination programmes in ruminant production by MSD Animal Health (Industry Innovation)

243 Aspects of bovine herpesvirus 1 and bovine viral diarrhoea virus herd-level seroprevalence and vaccination in dairy and beef herds in Northern Ireland (Research paper – Cowley, 2014)

230 Remote dairy quality by Qlip BV DMK ZLTO (Industry Innovation)

228 Early Lameness Detection Through Machine Learning by Waterford Institute of Technology ENGS Dairy University of Strathclyde Herdsy (Industry Innovation)

225 Developing integrated livestock breeding and management strategies to improve animal health product quality and performance in European organic and low input milk (Industry Innovation)

224 Review_ New considerations to refine breeding objectives of dairy cows for increasing robustness and sustainability of grass-base (Research paper – Roche, 2018)

221 Key actors in driving behavioural change in relation to on-farm biosecurity – A Northern Ireland perspective (Research paper – Lahuerta-Marin, 2018)

218 – Network analysis of cattle and pig movements in Sweden – Measures relevant for disease control and risk based surveillance (Research paper – Noremark – 2011)

217 – Application of network analysis parameters in risk-based surveillance – Examples based on cattle trade data and bovine infections in Sweden (Research paper – Frossling – 2012)

216 – A novel method to identify herds with an increased probability of disease introduction due to animal trade (Research paper – Frossling – 2014)

205 – The prevalence of salmonlla serotypes in domestic and wild animals and their spatial distribution in Romania between 2015 and 2016 (Research paper – Neghirla – 2018)

204 – Study regarding seasonal incidence of fluoroquinolons in cow raw milk and their relationship with somatic cells count (Research paper – Saraz – 2018)

201 – Evaluation of antibiotic residue incidence in dairy milk and correlation with various milk quality parameters (Research paper – Saraz – 2017)

194 Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Escherichia coli Enterococcus spp and the Major Foodborne Pathogens in Calves in Latvia (Research paper – Terentjeva, 2019)


180 Sales of veterinary antimicrobial agents in 30 European countries in 2016. Trends from 2010 to 2016 8th ESVAC report by European Surveillance of Veterinary Antimic (Industry Innovation)

173 BVD fact sheet by BVD Free England (Industry Innovation)

169 Tree hedge for cows by Vanla (Tools & Checklists)

164 EPRUMA Best-practice framework for the use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals in the EU – Reaching for the next level by EPRUMA (Tools & Checklists)

163 Best-practice framework for the use of vaccines in animals by EPRUMA – European Platform for the Responsible Using of Medicines in Animals (Tools & Checklists)

159 Pig cattle and poultry farmers with a known interest in research have comparable perspectives on disease prevention and on-farm biosecurity (Research paper – Laanen, 2014)

152 Rispoval IBR Marker vaccines by Zoetis (Tools & Checklists)

131 EMA and EFSA Joint Scientific Opinion on measures to reduce the need to use antimicrobial agents in animal husbandry in the European Union (Research report – EMA EFSA, 2017 )

126 Biosecurity and animal disease management in organic and conventional Swedish dairy herds – A questionnaire study (Research paper; Emanuelson, 2018)

121 Antimicrobial Stewardship in Food Animals in Canada_ Progress on Recommendations and Stakeholder Activities by National Farmed Animal Health and Welfare Council (Industry Innovation)

118 FAAST- Farmed Animal Antimicorbial Stewardship Veterinary Reference Manual by ACER Consulting and Ontario Veterinary Medical Association ( Industry Innovation)

112 Effect of Antimicrobial Consumption and Production Type on Antibacterial Resistance in the Bovine Respiratory and Digestive Tract (Research paper; Catry, 2016)

109 A Bayesian micro-simulation to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of interventions for mastitis control during the dry period in UK dairy herds (Research paper; Down, 2016)

108 Guidance on the Selection of Appropriate Indicators for Quantification of Antimicrobial Usage in Humans and Animals (Research paper; Collineau, 2016)

103 Surveillance of cattle health in the Netherlands – Monitoring trends and developments using routinely-collected cattle census data (Research paper; Santman-Berends et al., 2016)

Drinking water medication: beware of interference

Prevention of (blue-green) algae in drinking water sources

Why and how to prevent biofilm formation in drinking water pipes

How to ensure that good quality colostrum is fed?

Bring out slurry and manure – but avoid spreading of pathogens

Use of Thermal Imaging to Diagnose Lameness

Genomic selection for profit and antibiotic reduction

Genomic selection

Castration of beef calves

Monitoring microclimate parameters in dairy farms

97 Selective Dry Cow by Eurodairy (Farm Innovation)

95 DANMAP by DANMAP (Farm Innovation)

94 Projecting Social Science into Defra’s Animal Welfare Evidence Base – A Review of current research and evidence base on the issue of farmer behaviour (Research report; Escobar and Buller, 2013)

Aim for zero antibiotics by 3 step approach

Buffer solution for stabilization rumen fermentation

93 Guidance notes 2013 by IDF (Farm Innovation)

92 Guidance notes by IDF 2017 (Farm Innovation)

90 Calf reception by LTO calf group (Industry Innovation)

89 KalfOK by ZuivelNL (Industry Innovation)

86 Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Strains in Swiss Pigs and Their Relation to Isolates from Farmers and Veterinarians (Research paper; Kittl, 2020)

84 A longitudinal field trial assessing the impact of feeding waste milk containing antibiotic residues on the prevalence of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli in calves (Research paper, Brunton, 2014)

80 Antimicrobial consumption on Austrian dairy farms: an observational study of udder disease treatments based on veterinary medication records ( Research paper; Firth, 2017)

78 The use of national-level data to describe trends in intramammary antimicrobial usage on Irish dairy farms from 2003 to 2015 (Research paper; More, 2017)

76 The effect of a national mastitis control program on the attitudes, knowledge, and behavior of farmers in the Netherlands (Research paper; Jansen, 2010)

73 Modelling concentrations of antimicrobial drugs: comparative pharmacokinetics of cephalosporin antimicrobials and accuracy of allometric scaling in food-producing and companion animals (Research paper; Avene, 2016)

71 A cross‑sectional study of suckling calves’ passive immunity and associations with management routines to ensure colostrum intake on organic dairy farms ( Research paper, Johnsen, 2019)

64 Consumption of Antimicrobials in Pigs, Veal Calves, and Broilers in The Netherlands: Quantitative Results of Nationwide Collection of Data in 2011 (Research paper; Bos, 2013)

58 Effect of different scenarios for selective dry-cow therapy on udder health, antimicrobial usage, and economics (Research paper; Scherpenzeel, 2015)

55 Attitudes and perceptions of Dutch veterinarians on their role in the reduction of antimicrobial use in farm animals (Research paper; Speksnijder, 2015)

51 Effects of Reducing Antimicrobial Use and Applying a Cleaning and Disinfection Program in Veal Calf Farming: Experiences from an Intervention Study to Control Livestock-Associated MRSA (Research paper; Dorado-Garcia, 2015)

50 Determinants Associated with Veterinary Antimicrobial Prescribing in Farm Animals in the Netherlands: A Qualitative Study (Research paper; Speksnijder, 2014)

43 PDCA by Inagro ILVO (Farm innovation)

42 Antibiotic guidance by AMCRA (Farm Innovation)

37 The impact of dairy cows’ bedding material and its microbial content on the quality and safety of milk – A cross sectional study of UK farms (Research paper; Bradley, 2018)

34 Ecoantibio by French Agricultural Ministry (Farm Innovation)

27 Quantitative assessment of antimicrobial resistance in livestock during the course of a nationwide antimicrobial use reduction in the Netherlands (Research paper; Dorado-Garcia, 2016)

25 Antimicrobial use policy change in preweaned dairy calves and its impact on antimicrobial resistance in commensal Escherichia coli: a cross sectional and ecological study ( Research paper; Afema, 2019)

18 Seges online course by Seges (Farm Innovation)

12 Soil bacteria by Pruex (Farm innovation)

Use of pasteurized and acidified milk in calves nutrition

Health Benefits of Monitoring Rumination

Early Mastitis Detection in Robotic Milkers Reduces Antibiotic Use

Artificial Calf Feeding for Good Health

Outdoor Autumn Calving System on a UK dairy farm

Antibiotic use monitoring and benchmarking

Mastitis reduction in an indoor-housed herd (use of sand beds)

Preventing and treating respiratory disease in calves

Improving calf housing with polycarbonate calf pen sections

Guidelines for antimicrobial resistance from the dairy sector

The care of young dairy animals

Best practice recommendations regarding cleaning and disinfection

Best practice recommendations regarding entrance control

WEBINAR: Management of calves from birth to weaning

Automatic spray system of Animal Life Plus

Paratuberculosis control requires a national plan

Practical aspects of milking dairy cows

Sensor technology and data monitoring in dairy cows

Handling of dead animals: Hydrolysis

Support the calf to obtain better vaccination results

Optimal housing for healthy and less stressed dairy cattle

The influence of low temperature on dairy cows

Optimal housing conditions for sheep

Umbilical cord healing

Prevention of lameness in dairy herds

The transition period of the dairy cow

Sieplo’s FEEDR

Cleaning and disinfecting on poultry, pig and dairy farms

Coating surfaces in poultry, pig and dairy farms

Optimizing water quality on poultry, pig and dairy farms

Pest prevention on poultry, pig and dairy farms

Colostrum management protocol for calves

The right working method: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 817591