146 How to use Orbeseal teat sealant by Zoetis (Tools & Checklists)
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146 ToolsChecklists – How to use Orbeseal teat sealant by Zoetis
SIG: Prudent use AB \ Farmer
Species targeted: Dairy;
This photo guide or checklist of how to prepare a cow’s udder and teats before, during and after insertion of a teat sealant, such as Orbeseal, is practical and easy to follow. It covers the basic hygienic approach, the order in which to clean teats, the tube insertion technique and the order of insertion of teat sealant into the teats to minimise spread of infection.
Where to find the original material: https://www.zoetis.co.uk/livestock-farming/useful-resources/index.aspx;
Country: United Kingdom;