188 Contribution of sociology to the study of the decrease of antimicrobial use on farms (Research paper – Ducrot, 2018)

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188 Research paper – Ducrot – 2018 – Contribution of sociology to the study of the decrease of antimicrobial use on farms

In Significant Impact Groups: AMU reduction strategies \ Monitoring and surveillance; Antibiotic use
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep; Other;
Age: Young; Adult;
The implementation of the EcoAntibio plan aimed at reducing the risks of antibiotic resistance has led to a strong mobilization of the various partners in the cattle breeding and agricultural profession in the cattle industry. Actions have been carried out at different scales and research work conducted, particularly in the human and social sciences. In addition to possible technical actions, social, psychological and economic factors influence decisions to prescribe and administer antibiotics. This article provides an overview of the work that is investigating the role of these factors in the choice to reduce antibiotic use in livestock production, at the level of the farmer, in his relationship with the veterinarian and livestock advisors, and more broadly in its professional and economic environment.

Where to find the original material: https://productions-animales.org/article/view/2395; https://doi.org/10.20870/productions-animales.2018.31.4.2395
Country: FR: CA; US