78 The use of national-level data to describe trends in intramammary antimicrobial usage on Irish dairy farms from 2003 to 2015 (Research paper; More, 2017)

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Significant Impact Group(s): AMU reduction strategies \ Monitoring and surveillance \ Antibiotic use
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Adult;
Outcome Parameter(s): Antimicrobial use
Summary: This study provided detailed insight into on-farm usage of intramammary antimicrobials in Ireland. It demonstrates positive national progress, particularly with respect to lactation antimicrobial usage, but also highlights areas for review and further research. In particular, blanket dry cow treatment in Ireland should be reconsidered. It is not possible to investigate farm-level variation in antimicrobial usage from national sales data. Several studies have investigated farm-level usage using data collected from drug sales or garbage can audits. Farm-level antimicrobial usage data are now routinely collected in several European countries, including Denmark and the Netherlands, where it is central to efforts to reduce antimicrobial usage in farm animal production. Centralizing data on farm-level antimicrobial use is also needed in Ireland to allow objective measurement and benchmarking of on-farm usage. More generally, standardized indicators to quantify antimicrobial usage in farm animals are urgently needed to allow country-level comparisons.
78 Research paper – More – 2017 – The use of national-level data to describe trends in intramammary antimicrobial usage on Irish dairy farms from 2003 to 2015
Where to find the original material:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022030217305842; https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2016-12068
Country: IE

78 Research paper – More – 2017 – The use of national-level data to describe trends in intramammary antimicrobial usage on Irish dairy farms from 2003 to 2015