179 Mastitis pattern analysis tool by University of Nottingham and QMMS (Tools & Checklists)
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179 ToolsChecklists – Mastitis pattern analysis tool by University of Nottingham and QMMS
Precision Livestock Farming & Early detection \ Big data
Species targeted: Dairy;
This Excel spreadsheet-based tool identifies problem areas and potential risks to udder health and gives farmers and vets a way of tracking progress in the herd. The tool will analyse data from your individual herd and produces a report on the pattern of mastitis on your farm. It will also identify the predominant mastitis infection pattern present on your farm. The tool allows you to input data from bulk milk tank readings, somatic cell count data and mastitis records to calculate what sorts of mastitis you have in your herd and what measures can be taken to control mastitis outbreaks and reduce your mastitis rate. This will allow farmers and vets to work together to assess and prioritise key management areas and potentially detect emerging problems. Milk recording herds are at an advantage as cow SCC information is readily available.
Where to find the original material: http://dairy.ahdb.org.uk/mastitis-pattern-tool/#.Xuu6tuco_IU;
Country: United Kingdom;