310 – A participatory farmer-led approach to changing practice around antimicrobial use on UK dairy farms (Research paper – Morgans – 2019)

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310 Research paper – Morgans – 2019 – A participatory farmer-led approach to changing practice around antimicrobial use on UK dairy farms

In Significant Impact Groups: AMU reduction strategies \ Monitoring and surveillance Disease/health; Prudent use AB
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Young; Adult;
Five Farmer Action Groups (FAG) were established and followed for 2 years to understand how a participatory approach helped to achieve practical, farmer-led changes to reduce reliance on antimicrobials on their farms. Medicine Reviews, benchmarking and a co-created, practical Action Plan helped each farm to assess change in AMU. Farms implemented at least one recommendation from their Action Plan within a year with an average implementation of 54.3%. 70% of farms reduced highest priority critically important antimicrobial use over the 2 years. Knowledge exchange on herd health during the farm walks and facilitated discussions empowered farmers to change practices and a sense of solidarity arose from going through a process of change together. Knowledge gaps were identified by the farmers, particularly issues around knowledge mobilisation between veterinarians and farmers at the time of the study. The facilitators supported the knowledge mobilisation and helped build a sense of solidarity within the FAG.

Where to find the original material: https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/studentTheses/a-participatory-farmer-led-approach-to-changing-practice-around-a;
Country: UK