194 Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Escherichia coli Enterococcus spp and the Major Foodborne Pathogens in Calves in Latvia (Research paper – Terentjeva, 2019)
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In Significant Impact Groups: AMU reduction strategies \ Monitoring and surveillance Disease/health
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Young;
In this study 180 samples collected from 18 Latvian farms, to detect the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, and Campylobacter spp. Among all, 64% E. coli, 100% Enterococcus faecalis and 96% Enterococcus faecium isolates were resistant at least to one antibiotic. The prevalence of extended-spectrum b-lactamase (ESBL)/AmpC-positive E. coli were 11.1%. Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli were the most resistant to tetracycline and fluoroquinolones. Prevalence of L. monocytogenes was 0.6% and S. aureus 1.7%. Farm size, bought calves, contact with other calves, and antimicrobial treatment of cows were associated with increased prevalence of resistant E. coli and Enterococcus spp. Despite low usage of antimicrobials in Latvia, high rates of antimicrobial resistance in fecal indicators and Campylobacter, combined with high prevalence of ESBL-positive E. coli, show the necessity for the prudent use of antimicrobials in dairy farms in Latvia.
Where to find the original material: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/fpd.2018.2523; https://doi.org/10.1089/fpd.2018.2523
Country: LV