164 EPRUMA Best-practice framework for the use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals in the EU – Reaching for the next level by EPRUMA (Tools & Checklists)
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In Significant Impact Groups: AMU reduction strategies \ Legislation and incentives
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
EPRUMA best practice guidelines for the use of antibiotics combines a holistic and specific approach to facilitate the further optimisation of animal health at specific sector level and at individual farm level. The main objective of this combined approach is to reach the highest achievable level of animal health by determining, working towards and maintaining an optimal balance between different elements that may have an impact on animal health, e.g. nutrition, housing, etc. Tailoring to the local situation of an individual farm and final implementation are the shared responsibility of the farm owner/animal caretaker and other professional visitors to the farm, such as veterinarians, feed and husbandry experts, and biosecurity specialists. Efforts made by the farmer and these professional consultants, supported by all other stakeholders, will result in an optimal level of animal health and welfare. The document also includes decision tree for the responsible use of veterinary antibiotics.
Where to find the original material: https://www.epruma.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/EPRUMAABNextlevel-Englis.pdf;
Country: EU;