252 Drinkwatercheck melkveehouderij by ZLTO (Tools & Checklists)
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252 ToolsChecklists – Drinkwatercheck melkveehouderij by ZLTO
In Significant Impact Groups: Water \ Water quality
Species targeted: Dairy;
Good quality drinking water is an important prerequisite for livestock. Experience shows that the water entering the company is of excellent quality. Afterwards, however, until the water is absorbed by the animal, the bacteriological and chemical quality often deteriorates. Drinking water of bad quality has effects on animal health and can therefore be a cause of lower production or slower growth!
In order to be able to monitor the quality of drinking water itself as an entrepreneur, ZLTO has developed a checklist on behalf of VION and LIB, together with a number of dairy farmers.
With the checklist you can find out where you can improve the drinking water supply and there are tips on how to do this.
Where to find the original material: https://www.zlto.nl/stream/drinkwatercheck-melkvee;
Country: Netherlands;