80 Antimicrobial consumption on Austrian dairy farms: an observational study of udder disease treatments based on veterinary medication records ( Research paper; Firth, 2017)
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Significant Impact Group(s): AMU reduction strategies \ Monitoring and surveillance \ Antibiotic use ; Pathogen management
Species targeted: Dairy;Beef;
Age: Young;Adult;
Outcome Parameter(s): Antimicrobial use; Udder health
Summary: Since 2015, veterinarians have been required by law to report antimicrobials dispensed to farmers for use in food-producing animals. The study presented here collected data on antimicrobials dispensed to farmers and those administered by veterinarians.
Results show that dairy cattle in the study population in Austria were treated with antimicrobial agents at a relatively low and infrequent defined daily dose rate. The most frequently used antimicrobial group with respect to mastitis treatments was the beta-lactams, primarily penicillins, with third and fourth generation cephalosporins the most commonly used highest priority critically important antimicrobials with respect to both the proportion of herds treated and the number of defined daily doses administered per cow and year.
80 Research paper – Firth – 2017 – Antimicrobial consumption on Austrian dairy farms_ an observational study of udder disease treatments based on veterinary medication records
Where to find the original material:
https://peerj.com/articles/4072/; https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4072
Country: AT