69 Treatment of clinical mastitis: Using antimicrobial susceptibility profiles for treatment decisions (Research paper; Constable, 2003)
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Significant Impact Group(s): Pathogen management \ Managing sick animals \ Diagnostics
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Adult;
Outcome Parameter(s): Treatment of clinical mastitis
Summary: Antibiotic treatment of clinical bacterial mastitis requires several steps:(1) using an antibiotic with an appropriate spectrum of activity; (2) selecting an antibiotic that effectively reach the site of infection (milk, mammary tissue, or blood); (3) treating for an appropriate duration; and (4) avoiding adverse local or systemic effects and residues. Antibiotics are often selected based on availability of labeled drugs, clinical signs in the cow, milk culture results for previous mastitis episodes in the herd, experience of treatment outcome in the herd, treatment cost, and withdrawal times for milk and slaughter. There has been recent interest in optimizing treatment protocols to better target antibiotic administration, with substantial reliance on susceptibility testing of bacterial isolates from cows with clinical mastitis. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the role, if any, that antimicrobial susceptibility testing should play in guiding treatment of clinical mastitis.
69 Research paper – Constable – 2003 – Treatment of clinical mastitis_Using antimicrobial susceptibility profiles for treatment decisions
Where to find the original material:
https://www.vetfood.theclinics.com/article/S0749-0720(02)00068-3/abstract; https://doi.org/10.1016/S0749-0720(02)00068-3
Country: US