121 Antimicrobial Stewardship in Food Animals in Canada_ Progress on Recommendations and Stakeholder Activities by National Farmed Animal Health and Welfare Council (Industry Innovation)

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121 Industry Innovation – Antimicrobial Stewardship in Food Animals in Canada_ Progress on Recommendations and Stakeholder Activities by National Farmed Animal Health and Welfare Council

In Significant Impact Groups: AMU reduction strategies \ Monitoring and surveillance Antibiotic use
Species targeted: Pigs; Poultry; Dairy; Beef; Sheep;
Summary: This report details the collaborative and joined up approach to the challenge of AMR and the support needed for the continuous development of antimicrobial stewardship in food production in Canada. This 2019 update reflects on the Canadian One Health strategy based around the pillars of Surveillance, Infection prevention and control, Stewardship and Research & Innovation and evaluates what progress has been made against the recommendations. The Council has galvanised many parts of the industry to act within their sectors as well as respond to changing policy around the manufacture, import, purchase and licensing of certain drugs. The report goes into detail about how each recommendation has been acted upon and the developments within each region of Canada.
Where to find the original material:

Country: CA