277 – Study on the interrelation between animal welfare and production in dairy cattle (Research paper – Gavrila – 2015)

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277 Research paper – Gavrila – 2015 – Study on the interrelation between animal welfare and production in dairy cattle

In Significant Impact Groups: Other
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Not stated;
Definitions and importance of animal welfare are presented in this article. Among one of the definitions presented is that animal welfare is “the degree to which the requirements for physical, behavioral and psychological needs of the animal are satisfied.” Also for animals that are dependent on humans, animal welfare also entails the so-called five freedoms simultaneously: 1- ensuring access to fresh water and food; 2-ensure appropriate environment, including watering and comfort; 3- prevention of pain, injury, rapid diagnosis and treatment of wounds; 4- elimination of fear and mental suffering; 5- providing space, facilities and the company of other animals to express normal behavior. The concept of animal welfare must be made common knowledge to all the employees in the farm. The idea that animal welfare depends on their behavior and their behavior towards animals may induce or prevent fear response and undesirable emotional state should be transmitted and understood.

Where to find the original material: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Study-on-the-interrelation-between-animal-welfare-Gavrila-M%C4%83rginean/e30d80e0b4211715d47ec29809412c5630195f82;
Country: RO