109 A Bayesian micro-simulation to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of interventions for mastitis control during the dry period in UK dairy herds (Research paper; Down, 2016)
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109 Research paper
A Bayesian micro-simulation to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of interventions for mastitis control during the dry period in UK dairy herds
by Down, P.M., Bradley, A.J., Breen, J.E., Browne, W.J., Kypraios, T. and M.J. Green
2016 Preventive Veterinary Medicine 133: 64-72
In Significant Impact Groups: Specific alternatives \ Other Pathogen management
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Adult;
Summary: It is still unknown which type of interventions will reduce the risk of getting mastitis in the dry period, particularly with regard to cost-effectiveness. This study has gathered data from 77 UK dairy farms that participated in a British mastitis control programme during 2009–2012, with most intramammary infections being acquired during the dry period. The data contained clinical mastitis (CM) and somatic cell count (SCC) records, herd management practices and details of interventions that were implemented by the farmer as part of the control plan. Interventions identified as being cost-effective in most circumstances included selecting dry-cow therapy at the cow level, dry-cow rations formulated by a qualified nutritionist, use of individual calving pens, first milking cows within 24 h of calving and spreading bedding evenly in dry-cow yards. These results can be used to optimize decision making in mastitis control.
Country: UK