404 Bioexclusion – Keeping Infectious Diseases Out of Your Herd by Animal Health Ireland (Tools & Checklists)
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404 Tools & Checklists
Bioexclusion: Keeping Infectious Diseases Out of Your Herd by Animal Health Ireland
In Significant Impact Groups:
Species targeted: Dairy; Beef;
Threats to the health of your stock may come from outside your farm and from within your farm. Protecting the health of animals on your farm by implementing simple preventative practices is called Biosecurity. There are two types of BIOSECURITY PRACTICES: 1. Actions taken to reduce the risk of infectious disease coming into your farm (BIOEXCLUSION). 2. Actions taken to reduce spread of infectious diseases within your farm (BIOCONTAINMENT). You can reduce (but not always eliminate) the risk of bringing-in disease by implementing bioexclusion practices. This leaflet deals with practical steps to help you improve and maintain a high level of Bioexclusion. As herds expand farmers need to be even more conscious of implementing bioexclusion practices.
Where to find the original material: https://animalhealthireland.ie/?page_id=397;
Country: Ireland