58 Effect of different scenarios for selective dry-cow therapy on udder health, antimicrobial usage, and economics (Research paper; Scherpenzeel, 2015)
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Significant Impact Group(s): Prudent use AB \ Veterinarian
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Adult;
Outcome Parameter(s): Udder Health; antimicrobial use; herd economics
Summary: The aim of this study was to evaluate udder health, antimicrobial usage (AMU), and herd economics during the dry period and the first 100 d of lactation when using 8 varying scenarios for selecting cows for DCT, including a blanket DCT (BDCT) scenario. Clinical mastitis (CM) in the study herd varied from 11.6 to 14.5 cases per 10,000 cow-days at risk in the different scenarios, and the prevalence of subclinical mastitis varied from 38.8% in scenario 1 (BDCT) to 48.3% in scenario 8. Total AMU varied over the scenarios from 1.27 (scenario 8) to 3.15 (BDCT, scenario 1) Animal Daily Doses, leading to a 60% reduction in AMU for scenario 8 compared with BDCT. The total costs for each of the scenarios showed little variation. The effect of selective DCT on udder health, AMU and herd economics was influenced by SCC used to select cows. The greatest reduction in AMU was achieved under scenario 8.
58 Research paper – Scherpenzeel – 2015 – Effect of different scenarios for selective dry-cow therapy on udder health antimicrobial usage and economics
Where to find the original material:
https://www.journalofdairyscience.org/article/S0022-0302(16)30007-8/fulltext; https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2015-9963
Country: NL