68 The RESET Mindset Model applied on decreasing antibiotic usage in dairy cattle in the Netherlands (Research paper; Lam, 2017)

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Significant Impact Group(s): AMU reduction strategies \ Legislation and incentives; Government
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Not stated;
Outcome Parameter(s): Antibiotic Use; DDDAF; ‘antibiotic number’
Summary: To decrease antibiotic usage sustainably, it was considered crucial to change the mindset. Based on models from social psychology, the RESET Mindset Model was used. Several actions (both voluntary and compulsory) were taken to decrease antibiotic usage in dairy cattle in the Netherlands. An independent veterinary medicine authority and a national database on antibiotic usage was developed (MediRund), which enabled transparency and benchmarking on antibiotic usage. This was done together with other activities, such as herd health and treatment plans, selective dry cow therapy, and the strong limitation on the use of critically important antibiotics. As a result, antibiotic usage at the herd level, referred to as the ‘antibiotic number’, became an important and socially accepted herd level parameter.
Antibiotic usage in dairy cattle in the Netherlands decreased significantly by intense cooperation between the most important stakeholders in the dairy industry, taking communication seriously and applying the RESET Mindset Model.
68 Research paper – Lam – 2017 – The RESET Mindset Model applied on decreasing antibiotic usage in dairy cattle in the Netherlands
Where to find the original material:
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s13620-017-0085-x; https://doi.org/10.1186/s13620-017-0085-x
Country: NL

68 Research paper – Lam – 2017 – The RESET Mindset Model applied on decreasing antibiotic usage in dairy cattle in the Netherlands