246 Kapstok M-team by M-team Faculty of veterinary medicine Ughent (Tools & Checklists)
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246 ToolsChecklists – Kapstok M-team by M-team Faculty of veterinary medicine Ughent
In Significant Impact Groups: AMU reduction strategies \ Monitoring and surveillance
Species targeted: Dairy;
The M-team from Ughents’ faculty of veterinary medicine provides an action guide with 10 critical points to be attention to as a dairy farmer to improve the prevention of new mastitis infections as well as shortening the recovery period of infected cows and increase the odds full clinical and bacteriological infection. The 10 points are: good milking technique, regular checks and maintenance of the milking installation, optimization of comfort and hygiene, meticulous treatment sub-and clinical mastitis, optimization of drying-off protocol, culling of chronically infected cows, sufficient attention to housing and health management for heifers, general health of the dairy herd, breeding for better udder health and monthly monitoring of the udder health on the dairy farm. For all these points, practical tips and relevant information are collected in farmer-friendly language that allow to pinpoint the areas to focus on and how to take corrective action.
Where to find the original material: https://www.ugent.be/di/vvb/nl/over-ons/m-team_kapstok;
Country: Belgium;