414 – The relationship between transition period diseases and lameness , feeding time and body condition during the dry period (Research paper – Daros – 2020)

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414 Research paper – Daros – 2020 – The relationship between transition period diseases and lameness

414 Research paper
The relationship between transition period diseases and lameness,feeding time, and body condition during the dry period by Daros, R.R., Eriksson, H.K., Weary, D.M. and M.A.G. von Keyserlingk 2020 Journal of Dairy Science 103: 649-665
In Significant Impact Groups: Precision Livestock Farming & Early detection \ Sensor technology
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Adult;
This research did record feeding time by placing cameras by the feed bunk and using different digital systems. Lameness was scored as well as body conditions score. The results support the hypothesis that lameness during the dry period is associated with transition diseases. Lameness identified 2 mo before calving was associated with increased risk of transition diseases, highlighting the importance of screening cows for lameness around dry-off. One of the mechanisms through which lameness may be associated with TD is through decreased feeding time; throughout the dry period, lame cows spent less time feeding than sound cows, and lower feeding time was in turn associated with higher odds of transition diseases. These results suggest that reducing lameness during the dry period and avoiding over conditioning at dry-off may improve transition health.
414 Research paper – Daros – 2020 – The relationship between transition period diseases and lameness, feeding time and body condition during the dry period
Where to find the original material: https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2019-16975; https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2019-16975
Country: Canada