97 Selective Dry Cow by Eurodairy (Farm Innovation)
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97 Farm Innovation – Selective Dry Cow by Eurodairy
97 Farm Innovation
Selective Dry Cow by Eurodairy
in Significant Impact Group(s): Pathogen management \ Managing sick animals
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Adult;
Summary: This sheet describes how the Dutch dairy sector reduced the use of antibiotics in dairy farming. Between 2009 and 2016, usage decreased by 48%.
Selective drying off has made an important contribution to this reduction. Preventive use of antibiotics for drying off dairy cattle is no longer allowed. The protocol uses the somatic cell count per animal up to 6 weeks prior to drying off. If the cell count number is below 50,000 (cows) or 150,000 (heifers) per ml, no antibiotics may be used. If the cell number is higher, only a first choice antibiotic may be used in accordance with the farm health plan. The use of 2nd and 3rd choice antibiotics follows strict regulations, and is only allowed after additional testing.
The sheet also contains a farmers experience with omitting the dry off period.
97 Farm Innovation – Selective Dry Cow by Eurodairy
Where to find the original material: (in English)
Country: NL