222 Implementing biosecurity measures on dairy farms in Ireland (Research paper – Sayers, 2013)

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222 Research paper – Sayers – 2013 – Implementing biosecurity measures on dairy farms in Ireland

In Significant Impact Groups: Biosecurity
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Adult;
The objectives of this study were to document and describe influences on biosecurity practices and related opinions on dairy farms. Farmers in the most dairy cattle dense region were three times more likely to quarantine purchased stock than were their equivalents in regions where dairy production was less intense (P=0.012). Younger farmers in general were over twice as likely as middle-aged farmers to implement biosecurity guidelines (P=0.026). The owners of large enterprises were almost five times more likely to join a voluntary animal health scheme (P=0.003), and were over three times more likely to pay a premium price for health accredited animals (P=0.02) than were those farming small holdings. The baseline data recorded in this survey will form the basis for more detailed sociological and demographic research which will facilitate the targeting of future training of the farming community in biosecurity.

Where to find the original material: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23276712/; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tvjl.2012.11.017
Country: IE