248 Different systems to improve water quality in dairy stables by Mezutec Watter (Industry Innovation)

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248 Industry Innovation – Different systems to improve water quality in dairy stables by Mezutec Watter

In Significant Impact Groups: Water \ Water quality
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Young; Adult;
If there is too little water or the quality is insufficient, it is immediately reflected in the milk yield and fertility. There are different ways to treat the water. The first step is filtering or membrane technology. Visible particles are filtered directly and for invisible particles there are flocculants to filter them out anyway. There are also deferrization and de-ironing installations. This can be done via aeration or ionisation. Such an installation costs between 6,000 and 9,000 euros. Finally, water can be disinfected by electrolysis. By giving a charge to the ions of a component, they can stick together. pathogens can thus be filtered. Examples of such systems are the OxAqua (3,250 euro) and Watter.

Where to find the original material: https://www.nieuweoogst.nl/nieuws/2020/06/26/waterkwaliteit-goed-in-de-gaten-houden;
Country: NL