Cleaning and disinfecting on poultry, pig and dairy farms
Calving, lambing and farrowing are stressful events and potential risks for contaminating the environment livestock are kept in. Bacteria thrive in contaminated environments and can remain protected from routine cleaning under layers of grease and dirt found in sheds, stables and barns.
An animal’s pen should receive a deep, thorough clean AND disinfection regularly. In order to reach and remove all bacteria, it is necessary to clean (e.g. with a detergent) before the disinfection process (i.e. with an antibacterial) takes place. A bacterium under a layer of dirt is not possible to reach otherwise. By using foaming detergents, the protective layer of dirt or organic matter is ‘lifted’, which allows the bacteria to be reached improving the effect of the clean. Selecting a cleaning product for the conditions it is to be used in and allowing it to work for at least half an hour is good practice. A period of drying after cleaning also helps maximize the clean. Refer to the product instructions to ensure the disinfectant is applied at the correct concentration. Leave it on surfaces for the instructed time and then rinse to remove.
This cleaning and disinfection protocol keeps the environment that livestock are kept in as clean as possible. Germs such as bacteria are kept at low levels that do not pose a risk of infection and the use of antibiotics can be reduced.