342 – Eindrapportage Veerkracht van Melkvee I – Verandering van dynamiek voorspellende kracht (Research report – van Dixhoorn – 2016)
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In Significant Impact Groups: Other
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Adult;
The transition period is a critical phase in the life of dairy cows. Early identification of cows at risk for disease would allow for early intervention and optimization of the transition period. To examine the relationship between the risk to develop diseases early in lactation and dynamic patterns of high-resolution, physiological and behavioural data, were continuously recorded in individual cows before calving. The results suggest that quantitative parameters derived from sensor data may reflect the level of resilience of individual cows. The developed model offers sufficient perspective to provide predictive value for individual cows as to how well they manage the transition period. Early detection (during dry state) enables adjustment for the lactation period. In combination with Koe-kompas this is a valuable tool in the PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) cycle. A number of aspects from Critical Slowing Down theory can be applied to the individual animal.
Where to find the original material: http://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/fulltext/386110; http://dx.doi.org/10.18174/386110
Country: NL