126 Biosecurity and animal disease management in organic and conventional Swedish dairy herds – A questionnaire study (Research paper; Emanuelson, 2018)

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126 Research paper – Emanuelson – 2018 – Biosecurity and animal disease management in organic and conventional Swedish dairy herds_ a questionnaire study

Biosecurity \ Pathogen management
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Adult;
A questionnaire study on biosecurity and animal disease management activities was therefore conducted among Swedish farmers with organic and conventional dairy cattle herds. Herd characteristics of the two herd types were very similar, except that pipeline/tie-stall systems were less common in organic farms and that organic farmers had a higher education level than their conventional counterparts. Farmers of organic herds were more positive to policy actions to reduce the use and need for antibiotics, and they reported waiting longer before contacting a veterinarian for calves with diarrhoea and cows with subclinical mastitis. The results indicate that animal health is as important in conventionally managed dairy herds in Sweden as in organically managed herds.

Where to find the original material: https://actavetscand.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s13028-018-0376-6; https://doi.org/10.1186/s13028-018-0376-6
Country: SE