178 University of Nottingham dairy calf milk replacer calculator by University of Nottingham (Tools & Checklists)

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178 ToolsChecklists – University of Nottingham dairy calf milk replacer calculator by University of Nottingham

AMU reduction strategies \ Monitoring and surveillance
Species targeted: Dairy;
This Excel spreadsheet-based calculator works out the approximate energy requirements for a pre weaned dairy heifer and the amount of energy provided by milk replacer. Nutritional specifications of the milk replacer will be required including the amount and concentration of milk replacer used. All you need to do is enter the required information in the yellow highlighted squares and it will do the calculations for you. There is also additional functions for cold days and for different growth rates.

Where to find the original material: https://dairy.ahdb.org.uk/resources-library/technical-information/health-welfare/calf-milk-replacer-energy-calculator/#.Xuu4M-co_IU ;
Country: United Kingdom;