70 Explaining mastitis incidence in Dutch dairy farming: The influence of farmers’ attitudes and behaviour (Research paper; Jansen, 2009)
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Significant Impact Group(s): Pathogen management \ Managing sick animals \ Diagnostics
Species targeted: Dairy;
Age: Adult;
Outcome Parameter(s): Average farm bulk milk somatic cell count (BMSCC); clinical mastitis incidence; combined clinical and subclinical mastitis incidence
Summary: This study shows that mastitis incidence can be explained by farmers’ attitudes and self-reported (to a certain extent), specially farmers’ attitudes. In particular, the perceived feeling of control, the perceived effect of the average farm bulk milk somatic cell count (BMSCC) penalty level and the normative frame of reference are important in explaining the variation in mastitis incidence. Furthermore, the results suggest that BMSCC levels are better explained by attitudes and self-reported behaviour than actual clinical and subclinical mastitis incidence. It can be concluded that farmers’ attitudes are a better measure to explain differences in mastitis incidence between farms than farmers’ self-reported behavior. Therefore farmers’ attitudes should be taken into account in future research and animal health promotion. This study, therefore, provides an important investigation into the social processes applicable to mastitis incidence and emphasis on the need for effective communication strategies in mastitis control programs.
70 Research paper – Jansen – 2009 – Explaining mastitis incidence in Dutch dairy farming_ The influence of farmers’ attitudes and behaviour
Where to find the original material:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167587709002451; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2009.08.015
Country: NL