396 – Precision livestock farming for pigs (Research report – Vranken – 2017)
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396 Research report – Vranken – 2017 – Precision livestock farming for pigs
In Significant Impact Groups: Precision Livestock Farming & Early detection \ Sensor technology
Species targeted: Pigs;
Age: Not stated;
In the precision livestock farming (PLF) concept, sensors and algorithms translate the measured animal responses into key indicators for optimal performance, improved animal welfare, and farm sustainability. The output of the sensors (e.g., activity measures with a camera or sound measures with a microphone) is related to animal-based welfare and health indicators such as aggression or respiratory diseases. When sensor signals start to deviate from their expected values, alerts are given to the farmer. In this way the farmer can take an immediate action before the detected change in animal response negatively affects the production performance. These actions range from solving technical problems such as a blocked feeding line, adjusting control settings in the climate and feed controller, etc. In most cases, a preventive medical treatment prevents the further spreading of respiratory diseases in the pen, and the use of antibiotics can be reduced or even precluded.
Where to find the original material: https://academic.oup.com/af/article/7/1/32/4638771; https://doi.org/10.2527/af.2017.0106
Country: BE; NL