250 Welzijnscheck by POV (Tools & Checklists)

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250 ToolsChecklists – Welzijnscheck by POV

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare
Species targeted: Pigs;
Since mid-June 2020, welfare checks for sucking piglets, weaned piglets, fattening pigs and rearing sows have been available on www.welzijnscheckvarkens.nl. They show the risks of welfare problems on the farm per animal category.
This concerns in particular the risk assessment of the biting behaviour of pigs. The indicators (animal-bound and non-animal-bound) that influence the bite behaviour are assessed. The aim of the risk assessment is to improve animal welfare, animal health and overall operating results.
Purchasers in the Netherlands and abroad place high demands on the animal welfare of pigs. The welfare check for pigs has been developed to demonstrate good animal welfare. It also enables pig farmers to properly identify the risk of biting their pigs’ flanks, ears or tails.

Where to find the original material: inlog via vitale varkenshouderij portal: https://www.vitalevarkenshouderij.nl/portal;
Country: Netherlands;