261 – Measuring carbon dioxide concentrations in broiler buildings (Research paper – Creach – 2018)

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261 Research paper – Creach – 2018 – Measuring carbon dioxide concentrations in broiler buildings

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare \ Climate
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Not stated;
The ministerial decree of 28 June 2010 establishing the standards for the protection of broilers, sets a limit of 3 000 ppm of carbon dioxide (CO2) not to be exceeded at animal’s height and over the entire duration of the lot. Since then, CO2 concentration sensors are developing in poultry buildings and this gas, combined with other parameters (relative humidity rate in particular) is a good indicator of the level of containment of the breeding room. Different CO2 concentration sensors of the same technology (non-dispersive infrared or IRND) have been tested in commercial barns. The results show that two of the five tested sensors are not suitable for continuous use in poultry buildings. In addition, the spatial variability of CO2 concentrations was evaluate in a first phase under experimental conditions and in a second phase in commercial broiler barns.

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/mesurage-des-concentrations-en-dioxyde-de-carbone-en-batiment-poulets-de-chair;
Country: FR