266 – Chick vocalizations – Development of a recording and analysis method (Research paper – Michaud – 2019)

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266 Research paper – Michaud – 2019 – Chick vocalizations_ development of a recording and analysis method

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare \ Weaning age and management
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Young;
This study aims to develop a method for recording and analysing chicks vocalisations emitted during the first 3 days of life (D0 to D3). First, a bibliographic review identified vocalizations categories emitted by chicks (comfort, distress, snuggle, fear or pleasure trills) and identified their sound characteristics. Then, two programs developed under Matlab, made it possible to automate the recording of sound sequences and to detect and identify comfort and distress vocalizations. The study defined optimal sound recording conditions allowing an optimal analysis of sound signals: a group of ten chicks, omni-directional microphones, 2-minute recording sequences. Between D0 and D3, chicks emit short sounds with a limited frequency range (2000 – 5000 Hz). The program developed allowed to characterize the several sound indicators of importance, and count the chicks’ comfort and distress vocalizations.

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/vocalisations-du-poussin-developpement-dune-methode-denregistrement-et-danalyse;
Country: FR