267 – Comparaison de l effet de diferents additifs alimentaires en production de poulets Label Rouge (Research paper – Pertusa – 2017)
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In Significant Impact Groups: Specific alternatives \ Pre-/probiotics Feed / gut health
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Young;
Reducing the use of antibiotics is a major challenge for the poultry sector. This work aims at assessing the efficiency of several different forms of food additive on technical performances and health status of Label Rouge broilers, produced in sub-optimal conditions (eggs storage before incubation for 18 days and distribution of less digestive food with essential amino-acid deficiency). The effects of pre-starter, rehydrating, and combination of the two products are tested for the first two days of rearing. The (day-old) chick quality, measured according to 8 criteria, is negatively impacted by the storage duration before incubation. For the first 2 days, the pre starter effect is positive. Its usefulness is clear when this is combined with the rehydrating association. The supplementation from 7 to 12 days has improved the broiler feed efficiency. For the second part of rearing (15-76 days), technical results are not significantly different regardless of treatments.
Where to find the original material: https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20183183465;
Country: FR