271 – Control of environmental conditions during a long wait for the day-old chick at the hatchery before breeding – What are the impacts on the quality and (Research paper – Puterflam – 2019)

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271 Research paper – Puterflam – 2019 – Control of environmental conditions during a long wait for the day-old chick at the hatchery before breeding_ what are the impacts on the quality and

In Significant Impact Groups: Housing and welfare \ Weaning age and management; Biosecurity
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Young;
The robustness of day-old chicks is a crucial parameter to optimize welfare, to limit their mortality, and to reduce the use of antibiotics. The age of the breeders and the time at the hatchery can have a negative impact on their robustness. The aim of this study was to test optimized environmental conditions during a prolonged wait (24 hours) before breeding of two sets of day-old chicks from breeders at the beginning of laying (DP) and at the end of laying (FP). Results show that chicks placed in cases of lower density, in controlled environment, and with empty space between each box to improve air circulation significantly have less in weight loss between hatching and arrival at the farm, a significant increase in weight at D12 in FPs, a cloacal temperature greater at D1, and at slaughter a higher breast yield.

Where to find the original material: https://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/maitrise-des-conditions-dambiance-pendant-une-attente-prolongee-du-poussin-dun-jour-au;
Country: FR