314 The Seed Feed and Weed approach to managing intestinal health in drug-free production systems by The Poultry Informed Professional (Industry Innovation)

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314 Industry Innovation – The Seed Feed and Weed approach to managing intestinal health in drug-free production systems by The Poultry Informed Professional

In Significant Impact Groups: Feed / gut health \ Feeding management
Species targeted: Poultry;
Age: Young; Adult;
The three most important legs of an effective intestinal management program include: “seeding” the gut with favourable organisms, “feeding” the favourable organisms and “weeding” out the unfavourable organisms. This involves applying a probiotic/competitive exclusion product as soon after hatch as possible. Adding a suitable organic acid via the drinking water to increasing its concentration in the small intestine and enhance the capacity of the favourable organisms to colonize and rapidly dominate the microbial community of the small intestine. Blocking the attachment mechanism of unfavourable organisms with a type-1 fimbria blocker and thereby reducing their capacity to compete with the favourable organisms in the gut.

Where to find the original material: https://journals.co.za/doi/10.10520/ejc-vp_afma_v30_n4_a10
Country: US