345 – EIP-AGRI Focus Group – Reducing antibiotic use in pig farming – Final Report (Research report – European Commission – 2014)
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In Significant Impact Groups: AMU reduction strategies \ Specific alternatives
Species targeted: Pigs;
Age: Not stated;
Antibiotics are used to treat and control pathogenic bacterial infections. The key to reducing the need for antibiotics is improving pig health. Under the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) a focus group (FG) looked into how to reduce the use of antibiotics in pig farming. In the report the results, recommendations and proposals from the group to reduce antibiotic use are presented. The group identified three main areas where practical solutions already exist or may be further developed to reduce antibiotic use:– General enhancement of animal health and welfare to reduce the need for antibiotic use through better biosecurity, management and husbandry, facility design and management, and training of personnel, veterinarians and advisors.– Specific alternatives to antibiotics including vaccination, feeding approaches and breeding.– Changing attitudes, habits and human behaviour (farmers, agri-advisors and veterinarians) and improving information dissemination.
Where to find the original material: https://ec.europa.eu/eip/agriculture/sites/agri-eip/files/eip-agri_fg3_pig_antibiotics_final_report_2014_en_0.pdf;
Country: EU