377- Use of a micro-encapsulated eucalyptus-medium chain fatty acid product as an alternative to zinc oxide and antibiotics for weaned pigs (Research paper – Yung-Keun Han – 2011)
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In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB \ Farmer
Species targeted: Pigs;
Age: Young;
Zinc Oxide is today used as the major antibiotic substitute in Europe, but poses some serious environmental problems in terms of sustainability (accumulation in the environment). The article describes the use Eucalyptus derived medium chain fatty acids. Although medium chain fatty acids are a promising substitute for antibiotics, today these medium chain fatty acids are mainly obtained after distillation and fractionation of palm kernel oil. This is also a non-sustainable raw material and extraction from Eucalyptus can be a solution. In addition, processing of the medium chain fatty acids into micro-encapsulated functional feed ingredients improves functionality in animals what is reflected in improved daily performance and health.
Where to find the original material: http://www.aasv.org/shap.html
Country: CA