378 – Effects of dietary allicin on health and growth performance of weanling piglets and reduction in attractiveness of faeces to flies (Research paper – Huang – 2011)
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In Significant Impact Groups: Prudent use AB \ Farmer
Species targeted: Pigs;
Age: Young;
This article confirms the positive effect of allicin in antibiotic free farming. Allicin is next to other essential oils classified as a recognised functional feed ingredient in livestock production. Beside increase zootechnical performance, also health is improved of livestock. The researchers detected another important advantage of using allicin in livestock production, namely reduction of manure odour. This makes agricultural practices more public acceptable, and contributes to responsible farming in society. By reduction of manure odour, also less insects (like flies) are attracted to farms, improving working conditions for farmers.
Where to find the original material: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/animal/article/abs/effects-of-dietary-allicin-on-health-and-growth-performance-of-weanling-piglets-and-reduction-in-attractiveness-of-faeces-to-flies/E6B7C4B884DB12A0ECB048B841C1CB50; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22440775/
Country: CN